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The month of May is in full swing and it's time to plant! Without a doubt, May is one of the busiest times of the year to garden. Your landscape is coming alive after a long winter and spring. The plants are starting to bloom and it's also a great time to plant so you can enjoy summer and fall flowers.

Start May Gardening with a Bang

The month of May is a time for planting and garden chores. If you put a little work in during the month then the rewards will be huge with a bevy of growth and flowers in the landscape.

May is a Time to Plant

Whether you live in a warm area of the country or May is the start of warmer temperatures, it is a time to plant. You’ll want to check your local frost date to plan accordingly. After the last predicted frost, you can plant tender annuals, perennials, and wildflowers safely in the garden.


Adding wildflowers to your landscape attracts native butterflies and other pollinators. They are typically easy to care for and will subsist without added irrigation. If you want to embrace your region's beauty, then sowing wildflowers is your best choice. Prepare the soil by tilling it and adding topsoil or compost if necessary. You can easily spread the seeds across the prepared soil and water lightly to encourage germination.


Perennials come back year after year once established so they are an excellent financial investment. Some perennials such as the peony will grow for generations undisturbed. Be sure to prepare the planting sight by adding compost and tilling the soil. Read the growth instructions for the perennials you will be planting. Remember, all perennials are different. Some grow well in the sun and others prefer shade.


Annuals only live a single season. It is imperative that you plant them after all danger of frost has passed because the delicate plants can easily be killed with cold weather. The perk of annuals is that most bloom nonstop from spring until fall. They require minimal care to look fabulous. If you enjoy container gardening or hanging baskets, then annuals are a great choice.

May Gardening Chores

Chores are an enjoyable part of gardening because your hard work clearly pays off. May is the perfect time to buckle down and take care of much needed garden tasks.

  • Start Weeding: The April showers do more than bring May flowers. They also bring weeds. If you keep up on weeding in May then you won't’ be overran in June. It's easier to battle weeds in the early months when they are tiny then when they start to establish themselves with a deep root system.
  • Start Fertilizing: It's time to start fertilizing your perennials, shrubs, and trees to give them the boost they need to get through the long summer and fall with ample growth.
  • Mulch: Apply mulch throughout your flower beds to keep unwanted weeds under control and help keep the soil moist when the hot summer months arrive.

May is also the perfect time to stock up on Ҵý Secret Supplies for all of your garden’s nutrient needs.

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